Fish Forever Essentials
Extending over 1,500 miles, Mozambique’s coastline sustains millions of people and an economy heavily dependent on fisheries for jobs and protein. Half of Mozambicans live along Africa’s fourth largest coastline, and its small-scale fishers catch 85% of the country’s fish. Mozambique also holds extraordinary biodiversity, thought by many experts to be the second most biodiverse area in the world after the Coral Triangle.
Fish Forever in Mozambique works with village groups, community fisheries councils and district governments to build and strengthen community-based fisheries management of Mozambique’s coastal waters.
Learn more about the Fish Forever program with this short video.
Mozambique Footprint Data
Summarized below are data collected across all Fish Forever communities and managed access areas. In Mozambique, managed access areas are defined by administrative boundaries associated with clusters of villages within a district.
Explore each area where Fish Forever works by selecting one or multiple subnational governments and local governments. Data are the sum of the selected areas.