Post Tagged with: "adopción de conductas"
Introduction to Social and Behavior Change
An interactive resource that introduces the characteristics of social and behavior change and highlights what influences behavior.
CEBA Design Cheat Sheet
The CEBA (Community Engagement and Behavior Adoption) Cheat Sheet is a simple way to start brainstorming and designing community engagement activities and materials using the Insight Starter Kit of SE (Superior Exchange); SD (Socially Desirable); and ED (Easily Done). To get the most out of this cheat sheet, check out […]
Levels of Influence Tool
A tool to organize behavioral insights into the different levels of influence of the audience’s context.
Behavior Adoption Case Study Template
Una guía paso a paso que le ayudará a desarrollar estudios de caso sobre la adopción de conductas. Incluye secciones que le ayudarán a contar la historia completa de su campaña y de su público objetivo, desde los antecedentes hasta los resultados obtenidos.