Post Tagged with: "learning design"

  • Putting Adult Learning Principles to Practice

    An introduction to adult learning principles, key assumptions, and how to apply them to create effective learning experiences.

  • Writing Effective Learning Objectives

    A guide that explains what learning objectives are, why they are important, how to establish them effectively, and provides supplementary guidance for clarity.

  • Learning Design Worksheets

    These worksheets are designed to assist Fish Forever implementers in the application of the Fish Forever Learning Framework for learning design. Check out the Fish Forever Learning Framework Guide for more information on how to use these worksheets.

  • Learning Framework Guide (Online)

    This link will allow you to view the FF Learning Framework online as a presentation without having to download it. The Fish Forever Learning Framework is a learning management guide created to support implementation teams in designing, delivering, and evaluating learning experiences, and distributing among different learner groups the competencies […]

  • Learning Framework Guide



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