Post Tagged with: "permainan ikan"
Inti Fish Forever
A site with everything you need to enjoy and facilitate the Fish Forever Essentials experience virtually and on-site: instructions, customizable activities, and interactive games. This Google Site is intended to equip implementers and partners with foundational knowledge and inspiration to contribute to collective action for community-led, sustainable management of coastal […]
Fishing Rush (Adaptasi Online dari Game Ikan)
Permainan yang meningkatkan kesadaran akan dampak dari cagar alam + area akses terkelola, praktik penangkapan ikan, dan organisasi masyarakat terhadap kesehatan perikanan dan mata pencaharian masyarakat.
The Fish Game Facilitator’s Guide
A game that raises awareness on the impact of reserve + managed access areas, fishing practices and community organization on the health of artisanal fisheries and livelihoods. This game is also part of the Fish Forever Quest under the Fish Forever Essentials Module.