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Learning Framework Guide (Online)
This link will allow you to view the FF Learning Framework online as a presentation without having to download it. The Fish Forever Learning Framework is a learning management guide created to support implementation teams in designing, delivering, and evaluating learning experiences, and distributing among different learner groups the competencies […]
Tag: learning design, learning evaluation, learning framework
Maret 18, 2024
Levels of Influence Tool
A tool to organize behavioral insights into the different levels of influence of the audience’s context.
Levers of Behavior Change
Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment has a behavior change framework that is comprised of six behavioral levers. In this introduction document, you will learn about each lever, its principles (shown in bold), and the strategies (listed as bullets) that help change behavior.
Tag: perubahan perilaku, behavior levers, strategi komunikasi
Desember 15, 2023
Melobi Kebijakan Global
Rare adalah organisasi nirlaba terdaftar di AS yang dibebaskan dari pembayaran pajak atas sebagian besar pendapatannya karena diklasifikasikan sebagai organisasi 501(c)(3) di bawah U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Untuk mempertahankan status ini, Rare harus mengikuti aturan tertentu yang berkaitan dengan [...]
Tag: pedoman, instrumen kebijakan, pelaporan dan komunikasi kebijakan
3 April 2023
Lokakarya Zonasi Desain MA + R
This site is a repository of materials and resources used at the (Managed Access with Reserves) MA+R Design Workshop conducted via Zoom. You may find the recorded sessions, reading material, worksheets, quizzes, assessment forms, and other materials here.
Tag: situs google, Desain jaringan MA + R, pemetaan
16 Maret 2023
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Recommended citation:
Langka. (2023). [Judul sumber daya]. Portal Fish Forever. Diambil pada [Bulan][Hari],[Tahun], dari [Tautan langsung ke sumber daya]