Post Tagged with: "country implementation"

  • Managed Access and Reserve (MA+R) Design and Implementation Global Toolkit

    This global resource outlines the MA+R design process, highlights its key outputs, and details specific milestones for each theme in the Fish Forever program. It also provides a list of global resources that can be reviewed and used for designing and implementing MA+R in Fish Forever communities.

  • Government Engagement Strategies

    Global guidance document that provides support to countries in developing their own government engagement strategies and helps prioritize and pursue opportunities. The document will consider the various political and governance landscapes and the current political climate through the identification of policy windows and policy barriers.

  • Análise da Cadeia de Valor

    A toolkit that focuses on linkages between fishers and traders. It has been developed with an entry point and orientation toward understanding the relationship between the fisher and the trader or businessperson they interact with.

  • Letramento financeiro

    A financial literacy framework that presents concepts and activity design to respond to local contexts in the implementation of financial literacy trainings.

  • Saving Nature with Behavioral Science



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