Welcome! Here you will find downloadable training resources, templates, and reference materials on Rare Philippines’ work along these categories. Whether you’re here as an event participant, helping us deliver some of the trainings, or just browsing, you’re likely to find something you can use to run specific elements of the Fish Forever program.

Networks of MA+Rs

Science-based and legal documents on the networks of managed access and reserves (MA+R), including ecological, social, and political aspects

Data for Decision Making

Data that is available, accessible, and transparent that can be used for decision making

Financial Inclusion

Financial security and inclusion for local communities through sector formalization

Envolvimento da Comunidade

Community-led establishment and management of MA+Rs, including resources on partnerships to catalyze change

Sustainable Fishing Practices

Sustainable fishing behaviors within MA+Rs and sustained commitment from local leadership

Sustained Funding

Sustained funding sources for the MA+R