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Community Engagement & Behavior Adoption
This toolkit is designed to be a compilation of resources to be used primarily by Rare’s country implementation staff in training and working with local partners at the national, sub-national, site and community levels.
See examples of Behavior Levers applied in a campaign launch in Brasil.
Saving Nature With Behavioral Science
Environmental challenges are fundamentally people challenges. If we want to protect nature, we often need people to cooperate.
Erik Thulin, Behavioral Scientist at Rare, shares a three-step process for applying psychological insights to overcome the challenges we face in acting cooperatively, so humanity and nature thrive.
Effective Management Bodies
Coastal community-based fisheries are an inherently local activity, but the prevailing management approach to these fisheries has not reflected that central characteristic. A critical gap exists for coastal community-based fisheries because the governance frameworks and decision making around them have been unclear, overly complex or centralized in national authorities. Even in countries where authority to manage coastal fisheries has been devolved to a local level, there remains a chronic capacity gap in the organization and execution of effective management over this disparate and diverse fisheries sector.
Managed Access
The Managed Access approach gives exclusive access privileges for fishing in defined areas to fisher beneficiaries who are compliant with fishing regulations and are participating in coastal management and conservation activities. Managed access areas are designed around geopolitical, social, and ecological components, and rely on participation of stakeholders. Managed access areas are declared legally through an appropriate policy instrument to make them defensible and enforceable.
Data for Decision-making
Providing essential and scientifically robust data on the status of local fisheries and critical habitat, using digital technology to provide information in user friendly ways, to fisher and non-fisher households, businesses and management bodies to underpin effective decision making.
Financial & Market Inclusion
Building financial literacy and tools to enable fisher households, owner operators, small businesses and the wider community to maximize the value and retention of income generated from fishing. Provide access to financial services and opportunities (e.g., savings, insurance, and formal credit and investments) to expand the financial planning horizon and the mechanisms for the community to retain and build wealth.
Networks of Marine Reserves
Fish Forever’s reserve design approach develops networks of reserves across multiple communities that reflect ecological connectivity and provide optimal conditions for species recovery and sustainability, while providing both economic and ecological benefits in adjacent fishing grounds.
Policy & Governance
Climate Change
Rare works with communities that depend on local fishery production for their food security and livelihoods. The Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments work to identify the magnitude of the threats posed by climate change and the opportunities to actively adapt and thrive under changed conditions.
Gender Equality
Gender equality is the fifth Sustainable Development Goal which appeals to empower all women and girls. One of its targets is to “undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws.” (United Nations, 2015).